Member Perks

Discounts and specials from local businesses

Take advantage of your membership! These are exclusive discounts from local businesses as our way of saying thank you for choosing FitEvo as your fitness destination. Click on any of these business below to view their website.

Please note that some of the promotions offered by our partner businesses may change or end at any time without prior notice. We encourage our members to contact each company directly to find out more details about their discount offers. FitEvo is not responsible for any changes to the promotions or the availability of the discounts.

Got Questions About Our Gym Membership Perks in Bellingham?

Frequently Asked Questions

Find a gym that provides the perfect balance of value, convenience, and quality for your fitness goals.

Visit us to explore our benefits at Fitness Evolution Gym in Bellingham, WA. While many gyms offer seasonal specials, consider long-term value and use. Will you use all the amenities you are paying for and is it convenient? Is there a catch with a lot of added fees attached to that special promotion? Don’t pay for what you don’t need in a gym. Fitness Evolution Gym has everything you need to achieve your optimum fitness level at a reasonable price.

Got questions? We’ve got answers! We are here to help you in any way we can. Check our FAQ page for answers to common questions about fitness, nutrition, and more.

Gym membership specials vary so check with each gym about specifics. One of our gym membership specials is Premium Punch Cards. Each Punch Card allows you to use premium amenities without having a premium month-to-month membership. These amenities include bringing a guest, attending a group class, receiving 20% off a purchase, and tanning. Tier 1 punch card includes 6 punches for $50, Tier 2 punch card includes 10 punches for $75. and Tier 3 punch card includes 20 punches for $125

Joining a gym in Bellingham, WA, during a special promotion sometimes offers discounts on fees for gym memberships. Take into consideration that It’s not just about saving money but the value you gain from access to quality fitness resources and expert guidance. If the gym isn’t convenient for you to visit, it’s not a value. If the gym isn’t clean, do you want to risk your health? If the gym is so crowded you can’t work out, it’s not a value to you just because it has a low price. 

Fitness Evolution Gym in Bellingham has a $100 basic student membership that we offer that lasts for three months. 

Joining a gym in Bellingham, WA, during a special promotion sometimes offers discounts on fees for gym memberships. Take into consideration that It’s not just about saving money but the value you gain from access to quality fitness resources and expert guidance. If the gym isn’t convenient for you to visit, it’s not a value. If the gym isn’t clean, do you want to risk your health? If the gym is so crowded you can’t work out, it’s not a value to you just because it has a low price. 

Family membership specials in Bellingham, WA, may be available at some gyms. While we do not offer family or group membership packages, our Premium-level members can bring one guest with them each time they visit the gym for free, with no limit on the number of visits.

Some gyms in Bellingham may offer trial memberships. Instead of a trial membership, we have a $5 first-time visitor pass good for one visit only. It’s refundable if you sign up for a month-to-month membership on the same day.

There may be seasonal gym membership specials in Bellingham, WA. Check with each gym to learn about their specials. But we can guarantee that the best value for your money will be the membership you get that includes our benefits and resources at Fitness Evolution Gym in Bellingham. 

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