
How Much Does a Personal Trainer Cost?

There’s something about surviving a pandemic that has shifted our culture’s importance on health. As people bump their fitness priorities higher in their budget, the question of whether or not to hire a personal trainer has crossed many minds. After all, gyms are already expensive, right? Hiring a personal trainer would negate all the other attempts to save money, right?

So how much does a personal trainer cost? Is it worth it? Let’s break it down.

Private vs Small Group Training Sessions

Finding a personal trainer that suits your individual needs and goals can be the difference between plateauing or finally achieving your fitness dreams. When considering a personal trainer, weighing the options between private and group sessions is important to decide which best meets your needs.

Group training can provide motivation and support in a high-energy atmosphere, giving you access to multiple trainers who can work with everyone simultaneously. In addition, the personal trainer cost is then split between the individuals participating, making it a more affordable way to exercise safely and effectively.

Private training offers more flexibility and personalization tailored towards your specific goals and preferences, allowing greater attention to areas you want to improve. Ultimately, the choice comes down to what teaching style works for your personality and budget.

Average Personal Training Costs

The whole point of personal training is exactly what the word entails – it’s personal. Thus, the cost of personal training sessions will vary greatly depending on the trainer and your fitness goals. According to GoodRx Health, the national average cost of a personal trainer is $50 an hour. Here at Fitness Evolution, Bellingham, a session with one of our personal trainers can start as low as $35.

The Variables That Affect the Cost of a Training Session

Many variables impact how much one should budget for personal trainer costs. Individualized details such as personal trainers’ experience, services offered, and trainer certification can all affect the cost.

For example, if you hire a national personal training institute (NASM) certified personal trainer, you are more likely to pay more than if you hire someone without these credentials. While not all gyms require credentials, you will find that a trainer’s certification in exercise science can be exactly what you need if you have had multiple injuries or past surgeries.

Discount Personal Trainer Rates

Private sessions can rack up quickly, making it out of reach for many people. While most gyms will push on the sale regardless of a person’s budget, the best gyms understand.

These gyms will significantly reduce the cost of personal training rates by offering discounts for multiple training sessions or referrals. Such offers are not just beneficial to the pocket, but ensure you will have accountability for your long-term personal goals.

“But Online Personal Trainers Are Cheaper. So, Why Should I Choose In-Person Training?”

With online personal training and online coaches becoming increasingly popular for busy individuals, you may wonder why in-person training still has its place.

The biggest difference between in-person and online training is the unique environment that real-life training provides. With in-person training, you get direct access to your trainer and receive individualized instruction tailored specifically to your needs. An online personal trainer cannot offer the same real-time feedback and the ability to externally track and monitor your progress.

In addition, having someone who can encourage and motivate you in person can make a huge difference when it comes to sticking with it and staying consistent. Ultimately, the choice between an online trainer or one-on-one training will come down to what matters more for you – the virtual convenience or a personalized experience.

Measuring the Value of a Personal Trainer

When searching for a personal trainer, the most important factor to consider is their effectiveness in helping you reach your fitness goals. It is easy to get captivated by flashy gym membership advertising or boot camps that may be too large and intense to properly address your needs.

In the end, working with a qualified professional who has experience creating personalized exercise regimens that meet your physical abilities and personal budget pays off. The right personal trainer will also help hold you accountable throughout your journey, so find one who believes in a holistic approach that works with you on proper nutrition and healthy lifestyle changes beyond the gym.

Fitness Evolution: The Perfect Place to Start When You’re Ready to Hire a Personal Trainer

At Fitness Evolution, we believe everyone deserves access to quality training, which is why we offer a free day pass so you can explore our facility and meet our amazing team of trainers before making a commitment. Our personal trainers start at competitive rates below the average personal trainer cost because we believe wellness starts with education. Already have a gym membership with us? Schedule your first session with a trainer today for free!


Is a Gym Membership Worth it?

The answer to this question largely rests on your specific situation. That being said, if you’re looking to better your mental or physical well-being through regular exercise, or achieve a particular fitness milestone, here are some points that might help you determine whether looking into gym memberships is the right move for you.

Does a Gym Membership Work With Your Budget?

Let me answer this question for you. Gym memberships are as low as $10 or $20 a month, so you can most likely afford a membership. It’ll likely be more about figuring out what type of fitness center you can afford to join.

Begin by evaluating your budget. Find areas where you can cut back and save money for your membership, like maybe on that extra fast food meal or those daily diet sodas. Be realistic about what you can afford and what your needs are. If you conclude that you absolutely cannot afford a membership, don’t get discouraged! There are lots of free workout videos online that you can watch and follow at home, or you can always exercise in the great outdoors (weather permitting).

As we said, very affordable fitness centers with good amenities and fitness offerings exist. One example is Fitness Evolution in Bellingham, which offers gym memberships for only $19.99 per month without lengthy contracts. Their services, among others, include group fitness classes, a personal trainer, top-notch equipment, friendly staff, and clean facilities. The average gym membership tends to be more in the $50 range.

Are You Truly Committed To Using Your Gym Membership?

If you only plan to work out every now and again or know from past experience that you quickly give up on fitness goals, a gym membership may not be the best use of your money. However, if working out is something you’re confident you’ll stick with and make use of the gym regularly, it could be a worthwhile investment.

It’s easy to join a fitness center and get new workout clothes and shoes, then tell everyone your plans to go three times a week and get in shape. The hard part is actually going to the gym regularly. Why do you work out? Is it to lose weight, beef up, prep for a big race or an upcoming sports season, learn how to live healthily, improve your mental and physical well-being after a health scare, or simply create a regular workout routine? Without a committed purpose or powerful goal, you won’t achieve much in the gym. People who lack sedimented goals and drive rarely succeed.

How Much Time Do You Have To Dedicate to the Gym?

Third, and this is important, contemplate your schedule. Do you currently have time to be consistent with working out? If you find yourself always on the go, making fitness center visits can become increasingly challenging. Before committing to a membership, ensure you can manage to go regularly. This is especially pertinent if you are considering hiring someone as a personal trainer or joining fitness classes.

Remember that working one-on-one with fitness professionals or taking classes may not suit you if you’re not disciplined with your time or struggle to stick to routines. You must consider other people’s time and try to show up for your sessions.

What Kinds of Gym Equipment or Amenities Do You Need?

Finally, evaluate the amenities and exercise equipment available at the gym. Do you want a fitness center with free weights, cardio machines, serious weight-lifting equipment, etc.? If you feel lacking, you likely won’t be as enthusiastic to go frequently. Consider all that you want and need from a gym before deciding to get full value for your money.

Are There Good Local Options To Choose From?

Before selecting a gym, ask yourself if there is a good local option near your work or home. If the gym location isn’t ideal, you likely won’t go, which would render your monthly membership fee wasted.

If you live rurally, it might be difficult to get to a fitness center regularly. In this case, consider designing a workout space in your home with some basic equipment. This could include free weights for strength training, a cardio machine, a yoga mat, and other necessary materials. You may also want to add a television or stereo system for entertainment while you work out. Having everything at a home gym will help eliminate the excuse that the gym is too far away and not worth going to. You won’t have to share a locker room with other gym members if you work at a home gym.

Are You Required to Sign a Long-Term Contract?

You really have to ask yourself, “Based on my goals, personality, schedule, budget, and level of commitment, is this year-long gym membership worth it?” Other fitness centers have more flexible monthly gym membership options, so be sure to ask about the details before committing.

Good Luck Finding the Perfect Gym Membership for You!

Though there isn’t a single answer to whether looking into gym memberships is worth it, you can figure out what’s best for you by thinking about things like your budget, schedule, and desired workout results. By taking the time to consider all of this before making a decision, you’re more likely to find an affordable gym membership that suits both your needs and lifestyle.

Gym Membership

5 Best Reasons To Join A Gym

It can be tough to know whether or not joining a gym is the right decision for you. And as the days get shorter and the weather gets colder, it can be tempting to hunker down and avoid going outside.

However, this is one of the worst things you can do for your health. Spending time in the fresh air and getting some exercise is essential for boosting your immune system and avoiding winter illnesses. One of the best ways to make sure you get enough exercise is to join a gym.

Staying Healthy for the Holidays

As holiday commitments fill our weeks with family fun and junk food, it may feel hard to stay committed to your new healthy lifestyle and make time for consistent exercise. One of the most significant ways you can set yourself up for success is by setting aside time to do it.

Gym memberships offer a wide range of benefits that can help you stay healthy all winter long. A gym provides a warm, safe place to exercise, no matter what the weather is like outside.

When you are trying to lose weight or get in shape, joining a gym can be a great way to help you reach your health goals. Let’s consider five reasons you should invest in a gym membership this year.

The Pros of a Gym Membership

There are several benefits to joining a gym, whether you’re just starting your fitness journey with a couple of weights in the closet or a seasoned athlete. Many would consider the top five to include:

1. Access to a Variety of Equipment

When it comes to working out, everyone has different goals. Some gym goers want to lose weight, while others just want to increase their strength or endurance. Whatever your fitness goals might be, when you join a gym, you can use a wide variety of workout machines.

If you’re trying to bulk up, you can use the free weights or do some powerlifting. Or after a jog on the treadmill, you can mix up your workout on a rowing machine. It’s completely up to you!

2. Classes and Programs

Many gyms offer classes and programs to help you reach your fitness goals. Classes can be fun for both men and women to stay motivated to hit weight loss goals.

If you’re looking to lose weight, you can sign up for an aerobics class, or if you just want to improve your overall fitness levels, you can try out a variety of different classes like yoga or kickboxing. No matter what your goals are, there’s something to help you achieve them.

3. Personal trainers

Joining a gym can be a daunting task, especially if you’re not quite sure where to start. If you’re seeking extra help, most gyms have personal trainers that can create a custom workout plan for you and any health issues you may be walking through.

By offering advice on form and technique, a trainer will help you to avoid injuries lifting weights and get the most out of your workout. In addition, a personal trainer can provide motivation and support, helping you to stick to your fitness goals and get in shape fast.

4. Fun for the Whole Family

There are many questions to ask when looking for the right gym. Do you go with the big chain that has locations all over town? Or do you choose the smaller independent gym that with a more personal touch?

For many, it’s imperative to narrow down which fitness centers have a safe child care center to amuse the kid crew. Find fun for the whole family at a location that has someone for every age!

5. A Sense of Community

It can be hard to stay motivated to go to the gym regularly, but having friends who are like-minded and supportive can make all the difference. When you sign up for a gym membership, you join other gym members who are all working towards similar goals.

Whether discovering new gym attire that makes the experience more comfortable, getting tips on weight training, or watching someone’s progress in real-time, the gym community will help you stay committed.

Achieve Your Regular Exercise Goals At Fitness Evolution Bellingham

You don’t have to wait until New Year’s to start working on your fitness goals. Now is the time to invest in a gym membership and commit to regular exercise.

Fitness Evolution Bellingham has everything you need to get in shape and stay healthy all winter long. Take advantage of our free guest pass to see our wide variety of equipment and classes from one of our experienced personal trainers. We’d love to show you around and prove why we’re one of the best gyms in town.


What Is The Best Gym For You?

There are a lot of different factors to consider when it comes time to choose a gym. You might be looking for one that has all the necessary equipment or one close to your home or work. Maybe you’re looking for a gym with great hours or one that offers childcare.

No matter your needs, there is definitely a gym out there that’s perfect for you. But how do you find it? And once you find it, how can you be sure that it’s really the best fit?

In this article, we’ll walk you through the process of finding and choosing a gym and give you some tips on making sure it’s the right fit for your needs. Let’s get started!

What Are Your Primary Fitness Needs?

There are many different things to consider when trying to find the best gym for you. But the most important thing is to figure out what your needs are. Do you need cardio equipment or free weights? Are you looking for a gym close to your home or work? Do you need childcare? Are affordable gym memberships your main priority? Are you looking for a place with a luxurious locker room? What about personal training or group fitness classes?

Not all gym memberships are created equal. Make sure you take your time and really think about what you’re looking for, what you need, and what will keep you coming back day in and day out. Once you know what you need, you can start looking for gyms and gym memberships that fit those criteria.

Where Are You Starting From?

How familiar are you with a fitness lifestyle? Are you a seasoned gym rat looking to step up your fitness game? Or, like most people, are you just starting out, looking for a place where you can feel motivated and welcome – a judgment-free and affordable gym?

You have to realize where you’re starting from to set realistic expectations and limits for yourself regarding time and monetary commitment. You might not want to go all in on the premium yearly fitness membership at the best club in town if you’re not even sure if you like being at the gym yet.

What Kind of Budget Are You Working With?

This is a big one. Gyms can range from $10 to several hundred dollars per month. Before you start looking at gyms, you need to have an idea of how much you’re willing to spend.

There are many great options, so don’t feel like you have to spend a lot of money to find a good gym. Plenty of affordable local options can give you everything you need to get started on your fitness journey.

When Do You Plan on Working Out?

Are you looking for a gym with unlimited access open 24 hours daily? Or are you more interested in a place with specific times for group fitness classes that fit your schedule? You’ll want to consider this before looking for gym memberships.

Think about when you’ll be working out and what schedule you’ll need to keep to make it to the gym regularly. If you like to work out first thing in the morning, you might not want to choose a gym that doesn’t open until 10 am. The best gym is the one you’ll actually go to and one that’s open when you need it.

Quick tip: If you’re new to the fitness world, personal training and group fitness classes might be the way to go. A personal trainer might seem excessive to some, but they’re great for learning how to exercise safely and for building a routine. Ask your local gyms if they include amenities like group fitness classes and personal trainers in their gym memberships and how much they cost.

Read Reviews!

Once you have a list of potential gyms, it’s time to start narrowing it down. A great way to do this is by reading online reviews. See what other people say about the gyms, personal trainers, or group classes on your list. Are they happy with the equipment? The staff? The hours? The location? The reviews can be a great way to get a feel for a gym before stepping inside.

Use Day Passes

Once you’ve read the reviews and narrowed your list, it’s time to visit gyms. Most gyms will offer a free fitness training trial period, so take advantage of that and try out as many as you can. Pay attention to how you feel when you’re working out. Do you feel comfortable? Are the free weights and cardio machines easy to use? Do the staff members seem friendly and helpful? Are the group classes worthwhile? Are the personal trainers experienced and friendly?

Local Bellingham gym, Fitness Evolution, offers free day passes. You can go to their website now to claim your free day pass. These are great because you can use them to see what they have to offer in terms of group classes, personal training programs, gym equipment, and more!

Ready To Find the Best Gym Membership for You?

After you’ve visited all the gyms on your list, it’s time to decide. Choose the gym that you feel most comfortable at. Choose based on fitness priorities like a personal trainer, free weights, cardio machines, or group fitness classes. And choose based on unlimited access when you need it the most. And that’s it! You’ve found the best gym membership for you.

If you keep these things in mind, you’re sure to find a health club that’s perfect for you. So get out there and start looking! Oh, and don’t forget to secure your free day pass to Bellingham’s Fitness Evolution!


What Do Personal Trainers Do?

What does a personal trainer actually do? This is a question that many people ask, but few seem to really know the answer to. In today’s article, we’ll give you a comprehensive overview of who personal trainers are, what they do, and some of the things to consider if you’re thinking about hiring a personal trainer to guide you on your fitness journey.

Let’s get started!

Personal Trainers 101

Personal trainers are fitness professionals who design and deliver exercise programs for their clients. They may work in a gym, health club, or other fitness facilities, or they may provide mobile services and come to their client’s homes or offices. Some personal trainers also work as independent contractors, providing their services to multiple clients. These personal training services, along with in-home personal training services, tend to be a bit more expensive

In order to design an effective exercise program, the personal trainer will first assess the client’s current level of fitness and health. They will take into account things like the client’s age, weight, medical history, and any injuries or other physical limitations. With this information, they can then create a program that is specifically tailored to the client’s needs and goals.

Personal trainers typically work one-on-one with their clients, though they may also work with small groups. During sessions, they will provide instruction on proper form and technique for each exercise, as well as offer motivation and support. They may also use other fitness tools, such as heart rate monitors or exercise equipment, to help their clients reach their goals.

While personal trainers can help people of all fitness levels, they are often most effective with those who are just starting an exercise program or are looking to make significant changes to their current routine. If you are considering working with a personal trainer, be sure to ask about their qualifications and experience to ensure that they are the perfect personal trainer for you.

What Qualifications or Education Do Personal Trainers Need?

Being a personal trainer means being a knowledgeable and reliable resource. Many trainers are certified by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), American Council on Exercise (ACE), or National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM)-just to list a few. Others might have degrees in kinesiology, athletic training, physical therapy, or nutrition. There really is no one set educational background for personal trainers since there are many avenues that can lead to becoming certified.

Not all fitness coaches are created equal, so it is crucial to pick a personal trainer worth your time and commitment, as well as one that has the credentials and experience you need. With that in mind, don’t be shy about requesting referrals or reading online reviews before hiring a personal trainer. Also, once you’ve found a personal trainer you’re happy with, make sure to inquire more about their experience by asking what type of certifications they have and if they have any success stories.

How Do Fitness Professionals Create Custom Diet and Exercise Plans?

To help their clients stay on track, a good personal trainer will first assess where they are starting from. This includes evaluating diet, lifestyle, and fitness goals. After that, personal training sessions with both workout plans and meal suggestions can be put into place.

Nutritional Guidance

Personal trainers typically recommend particular foods or diets to their clients in order to help them achieve their fitness goals. For example, if someone’s objective is weight loss, they might be encouraged to eat more lean protein and vegetables while consuming fewer sugary snacks and drinks. Someone whose goal is muscle gain would likely be advised to consume more calories with a focus on protein-rich foods.


Personal trainers typically design workouts that help their clients achieve their fitness goals. For example, someone who is trying to improve heart health might be advised to do more aerobic activities such as running, swimming, or cycling. Someone trying to build strength and power might be advised to resistance train with activities like weightlifting.

By incorporating other forms of exercise, such as stretching and balance training, into their client’s personal training sessions, personal trainers can help improve not only their fitness level but also reduce the risk of injury.

What Kind of Results Are You Looking For?

Having a certified personal trainer possesses immense benefits that correspond to your fitness goals. They can help you shed weight, enhance sports performance, and achieve several other objectives you may have. Meeting with different trainers allows you to get an idea of their work ethic and if they possess the qualities required to help improve your physical and mental well-being.

Are You Truly Willing To Commit to Working Out?

Personal trainers are only worth as much time and energy as you’re willing to give them. How much time do you have available to commit to a fitness routine? A personal trainer can help create an efficient workout routine and workout program that meets your needs. It is common for people to see their trainers several times a week. But it’s a waste of everyone’s time if you don’t hold up your end of the deal.

Working with an exercise professional might not be the best solution for you if your schedule is sporadic, or if appointments are frequently forgotten or missed. They are human beings with lives and families outside of work; canceling last minute or “flaking out” constantly isn’t an option.

What’s Your “Why”?

Before you rush out to hire a personal trainer, take a step back and assess your real motivation behind it. It’s important to have clear objectives or an end goal in mind before making such as significant investment. If not, you’ll likely find it harder to stay on track and question the value of the coach.

Can You Afford It?

Keep in mind that the average personal trainer cost is typically pretty high. If you’re working with limited funds, cheaper options such as group fitness or at-home workout routines may be more realistic for you. That being said, some gyms offer budget-friendly personal training memberships — take Fitness Evolution in Bellingham, WA for example. You can learn more about the personal training benefits they have to offer by visiting their website, and then give them a call to schedule your first training session.

Find a Personal Trainer Near You

The best way to find a great personal trainer is by word-of-mouth. Ask your friends, family, and co-workers if they’ve used someone in the past that they enjoyed working with. If you don’t know anyone who has used a trainer before, looking online for customer reviews is a great second step. Curating a supportive and effective relationship with your fitness coach is key to achieving optimum results.

After you locate a trainer you’re comfortable with, agree to stay committed to working with them and following their program. Although it might take some time before noticing results, don’t become discouraged if changes aren’t immediate. Keep up the good work and maintain your motivation; you’ll achieve desired fitness levels eventually if you stick with it.

Ready for the First Day of the Rest of Your Life?

A personal trainer can be a fantastic asset on your fitness journey, but only if you’re willing to commit to the process. Before making such a significant investment, be honest with yourself about what you hope to gain from the experience and whether or not you’re truly ready to make lasting changes.

If you decide that working with an exercise professional is right for you, take some time to find someone whose personality and qualifications fit well with your own. Once you’ve found a good match, get ready to sweat — it’ll be worth it in the end!

Choose Fitness Evolution for your Bellingham personal trainer needs and you won’t regret it! They are equipped with high-quality equipment and instructors who provide top-notch service. No matter what fitness goals you have in mind, the trainers at Fitness Evolution will be more than happy to help you achieve them. Looking to lose weight? Improve your sports performance? Get stronger? Preparing for a competition? Whatever it is, they can assist you. For more information on their services, don’t hesitate to contact them today to get your free personal training day pass!


How Much Does it Cost for a Gym Membership?

In this blog post, we’re going to discuss gym memberships. More specifically, we’ll compare monthly and annual memberships and discuss the pros and cons of each. It’s important to consider all the factors involved before deciding which gym to join. Ideally, any gym people choose should have reasonable membership fees, lots of equipment, a variety of fitness class offerings, friendly staff, clean facilities, and much more! With that, let’s take a closer look at how much gym memberships typically cost.


Monthly gym memberships are usually the most expensive option over time, but they do offer some flexibility. If people only want to go to the gym for a few months, or if their schedules vary monthly, a monthly membership might be the best option. However, monthly memberships can add up over time, so people should ensure they’re using their membership enough to justify the cost.

You can find memberships as low as $10 per month at places like Planet Fitness, but ideally, you want to be in the $20-$50 per month range to get the most out of your money. Anywhere in that range is considered a reasonable monthly membership fee. The average gym membership cost hovers around that range at places like Anytime Fitness. However, that’s a chain, and it’s really great when you can find a local, more boutique-style gym at that price, like Fitness Evolution in Bellingham.

With places like LA Fitness, you can start getting on the high end of that price range. This isn’t to say that Planet Fitness, LA Fitness, and Anytime fitness are bad. It really just depends on what you’re looking for.

Annual Fee Gym or Health Club Membership Costs

Annual memberships are usually cheaper in the long run but require a bigger upfront investment. So, if you’re just starting out on a fitness journey, or you haven’t been a consistent gym person before, then you may want to scale back and try out a monthly membership for a while to see if you’re actually committed to going to the gym every week.

An annual membership can be a great option for people who are confident they’ll use their gym membership regularly. Just be sure to factor in any sign-up fees or cancellation penalties before deciding.

Membership Price Discounts

There are often discounts available for seniors, students, and military personnel. Sometimes gyms will offer promotions or coupons, so it’s always worth checking around to see what’s available. A local gym also might offer you a free day pass to check out the facilities and see if you like the space and amenities. One such place that does this is Fitness Evolution in Bellingham. Go online to get your free day pass today.

What Qualities Make a Gym Worth Your Time and Money?

Now that we’ve looked at average gym membership costs, let’s talk about what qualities make a gym worth your money. And what qualities will make you feel good about returning again and again.

Variety of Group Fitness Classes

Most gym memberships include access to some amount of fitness classes, which can be a great way to mix up your workout routine. Many people find that they’re more motivated to go to the gym when they have a class to look forward to. Fitness classes can also be a great way to meet new people and make friends. Having access to fitness classes so you can learn from a trainer and get motivated by others can make the cost of a gym membership worth it for many people.

Well-Maintained Exercise Equipment

Of course, one of the most important factors in choosing a gym is the quality and quantity of gym equipment available. If you like to lift free weights, you’ll want to ensure there are enough free weights and weight-lifting machines to go around. If you prefer cardio equipment, like treadmills or ellipticals, over free weights, you’ll want to make sure the gym has enough of those for everyone.

Friendly Staff

The staff at a gym can really make or break the experience. You want to be sure that the staff is friendly and helpful and that they’re always available to answer any questions you might have.


Nobody likes working out in a dirty gym. Be sure to check out the facilities before you commit to anything, and make sure they’re clean and well-maintained.

Personal Trainers

If you’re serious about getting in shape, or if you’re new to working out and need some guidance, you might want to look for a gym that offers a personal trainer. A personal trainer can be an excellent resource for learning new exercises, staying motivated, and achieving your fitness goals. Personal training can get really expensive, but not if you go to the right place, so do your research and find a gym with reasonable pricing for gym members.

Nutrition Coaching

Some gyms also offer nutrition coaching, which can be a great way to learn about healthy eating habits and how to fuel your body properly. Typically, nutrition coaching and personal training go hand-in-hand. Where you find one, you’ll likely find the other.


Last but not least, you’ll want to choose a gym that’s conveniently located near your home or office. There’s no point in signing up for a gym an hour away from where you live – you’re much less likely to go if it’s not close by.

Find Your Perfect Membership Today!

As you can see, there are a lot of factors to consider when choosing a gym. Whether you’re trying to get fit, train for an event, lose weight or improve overall health, there’s a perfect gym membership for you. If you take the time to find a place with everything you’re looking for, it’ll be well worth the investment. And you’ll be more likely actually to use your membership and see results.

Still not sure where to start? Check out some gyms in Bellingham, like Fitness Evolution. They offer affordable gym memberships and tons of great amenities. Plus, you can get a free day pass by visiting their website and requesting one. With everything from personal training to group fitness classes, we’ve got you covered.

Get started on your fitness journey today!


Benefits of Hiring a Personal Trainer

Personal trainers can be a valuable part of your health and fitness routine. There are several things to consider when deciding whether or not to hire a certified personal trainer. Here are some questions to ask yourself:

What Are Your Fitness Goals?

What do you want to accomplish with a certified personal trainer? What is the value of a personal trainer in terms of your objectives? Would you want to reduce weight, perfect your strength training, improve your knowledge of exercise science, enhance sports performance, achieve good form, improve body composition, or prepare for a fitness competition? A personal training coach can assist you in developing a plan to achieve specific fitness goals if you have them. Meet with several personal trainers and ask them what they can do for you.

Can You Commit to Every Personal Training Session?

How much time do you have on your hands to work out? A personal training coach can help you make the most of your exercise time by developing a manageable regimen that fits your schedule. People often see their trainers several times each week.

Keep in mind that working with exercise professionals might not be the best option for you if you don’t have a very consistent schedule or if you’re frequently late or forget appointments. They aren’t a piece of equipment; they’re actual people with real lives and families, so you can’t just cancel appointments or flake out all the time.

Another crucial aspect to consider is that a personal trainer may be beneficial if you want to improve your schedule’s stability and consistency. If you can’t physically get to the gym, ask about a virtual personal training session or small group training sessions, so you aren’t the only client the trainer relies on each week.

What’s Your Motivation?

Do you have a clear reason and motivation for hiring a personal trainer? Or are you just doing it because you feel like you have to? Before committing to a fitness coach, you should have a specific reason or overall goal. If you don’t, it’ll be that much harder to stick with your plan and justify the cost.

What’s Your Budget?

Personal trainers are not cheap, so you’ll have to consider this while selecting. If you’re on a tight budget, alternative solutions such as group fitness sessions or home exercise programs may be less expensive. However, local gyms like Fitness Evolution in Bellingham, WA, provide low-cost personal training sessions for all fitness levels. Go to their website today to learn more about hiring a personal trainer or to schedule an initial meeting with one.

How To Find a Personal Trainer Near You

If you are looking for a personal trainer, the first place to start is by asking people you know who have used one in the past. Ask them about their experience and if they would recommend their trainer. You can also look online for customer reviews of trainers in your area. When you have a few names, check to see if they are certified by a reputable organization such as the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) or the American Council on Exercise (ACE).

Once you find qualified personal trainers, set up interviews with each one so you can learn more about their methods and get a feel for their personalities. It’s important that you find someone who you are comfortable with and who will be able to help you reach your fitness goals.

Ask the following questions during your interviews with the different coaches:

  • What is your experience working with clients like me?
  • What are your qualifications?
  • What methods do you use to help clients reach their goals?
  • What is your training philosophy?
  • What is the time commitment required to work with you?
  • How often will we meet?
  • What are your rates?
  • Do you offer any discounts or package deals?

After interviewing all the different coaches, compare their answers and choose the one you feel would be the best fit for you. Once you have decided, commit to working with your trainer and following their plan. Remember, it takes time and effort to see results, so don’t get discouraged if you don’t see changes immediately. Stay motivated, keep working hard, and eventually reach your fitness goals.

Is a Certified Personal Trainer Worth It?

Certified personal trainers work to help individuals take personal fitness to the next level. Personal fitness coaches can be found in various gyms and clubs, where members pay extra for one-on-one training and assistance with nutrition and exercise programs. Although they may appear costly, many gym-goers feel they are well worth it. Here are some of the main reasons why:

They Will Meet You Where You’re At

Personal coaches are worth their weight in gold since they can help people of all ages, shapes, and fitness levels achieve their health and fitness goals. Whether someone wants to reduce weight, enhance strength training skills, excel at boot camp classes, or gain muscle mass, these individuals will create a strategy based on the client’s stated objectives. Clients would have to devise their own fitness plans without this type of personal training.

Personal coaches allow individuals to stay on track and measure their gains using photographs and reports of performance data collected during gym workouts. This allows fitness clients to see exactly what is working for them and what isn’t and how they are progressing toward a fitness goal that matters to them. Personal training may also assist clients in avoiding micronutrient deficiencies by providing diet plans that meet specific nutritional requirements while training for a fitness competition or events like marathons or triathlons.

Personal Trainers Provide Accountability

People who use a personal trainer to help them achieve fitness objectives are more likely to continue with their workouts for longer because their fitness trainer will check in with them and keep them accountable for scheduled exercises. They’re basically like a workout buddy and a teacher combined. Personal fitness trainers require clients to come in for scheduled visits, stay in touch with coaches by phone or email, and even send photographs documenting that they stick to a fitness plan at home when requested.

Many personal fitness trainers give incentives such as rewards and accolades to individuals who complete the tasks they have specified for themselves while working under the supervision of a personal fitness trainer. Setting objectives that can be tracked is one approach that personal training instructors use to ensure that their clients remain inspired rather than just going through the motions of exercise without putting forth maximum effort.

Is lack of accountability your barrier to getting in shape and being your best self? If that’s the case, go ahead and visit Fitness Evolution in Bellingham to book a personal trainer! Their skilled staff will assist you with everything from goal setting to training routines, gym etiquette, meal preparation, weight loss, and weight training. Their certified strength and weight loss coaches will work with your busy schedule. Visit their website today to learn more.

Thye Can Turn You Into a Well-Oiled Machine

Another benefit of hiring a personal trainer is that many gyms employ certified fitness instructors who conduct routine fitness exams. These physical tests can help customers figure out where they stand in terms of fitness and also aid them in correcting any athletic imbalances that might affect performance. Personal trainers who are fitness coaches will be able to suggest specific exercises for their clients to improve problematic regions of the body, which will prevent issues from developing down the road.

Should You Hire a Personal Trainer?

There is no wrong or right answer regarding whether you should hire a personal trainer. It’s a personal choice based on your unique objectives, schedule, and budget. Before making a decision, consider all the aspects and, if you decide to proceed with it, conduct thorough research to find the best trainer.

A personal trainer can help you make the most of your workout time by developing an effective routine that fits your schedule and providing support and accountability if you have specific fitness objectives. A personal trainer may be able to provide the motivation and monitoring you need to keep with your exercise plan if you’re having trouble keeping motivated on your own. However, you’ll have to decide if all of that is worth it for you and if it’s something you’re willing to incorporate into your lifestyle.

What Sort of Education Do Personal Trainers Have?

Fitness trainers come from all sorts of educational backgrounds. Some personal trainers are certified through an organization such as the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA), the American Council on Exercise (ACE), or the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM). There are many other certifying organizations out there, so it really varies. Some personal trainers have a degree in kinesiology or another relevant field, while others might have a background in athletic training, physical therapy, or even nutrition.

The important thing to remember is that not all fitness coaches are created equal. It’s important to choose a personal trainer with the experience and credentials you’re looking for. That being said, don’t be afraid to ask around for recommendations or read online reviews before hiring a personal trainer. And once you’ve found a personal trainer you’re comfortable with, be sure to ask about their experience, what type of certifications they have, and what their success stories are.

How Do They Formulate Effective Diet and Exercise Plans?

Personal training coaches use various methods to help their clients meet their fitness goals. They might start by assessing their client’s current level of fitness, as well as their diet and lifestyle habits. From there, they can develop a personalized coaching plan that includes both diet and exercise recommendations.


Regarding diet, personal trainers will often suggest specific foods or meal plans to help their clients reach their fitness goals. For example, someone who is trying to lose weight might be advised to eat more lean protein and vegetables and to cut back on sugary snacks and drinks. Someone who is trying to gain muscle mass might be advised to eat more calories and focus on consuming protein-rich foods.

Exercise Program

As for exercise, personal trainers will typically design workouts that are based on their client’s goals. For example, someone who is trying to improve their cardiovascular health might be advised to do more aerobic activities, such as running, swimming, or cycling. Someone who is trying to improve their strength and power might be advised to do more resistance training, such as weightlifting.

Personal trainers will also often incorporate other forms of exercise into their client’s workout plans, such as stretching, balance training, and flexibility training. Doing this can help their clients improve their overall fitness level and reduce their risk of injury.

Begin Your Fitness Journey Today!

Personal trainers can be a great asset if you want to improve your fitness level, start a fitness journey, or meet specific fitness goals. They can help you develop an effective workout routine and provide support and accountability along the way. If you’re considering hiring a personal trainer, be sure to research one that’s reputable and has the experience and credentials you’re looking for. And remember, ultimately, it’s up to you to decide if working with a personal trainer is something you want to do.Fitness Evolution should be your top choice if you’re searching for an affordable Bellingham personal trainer. They have excellent equipment and world-class instructors to help you achieve your fitness objectives. Personal trainers at Fitness Evolution in Bellingham, WA, are prepared to guide you through any endeavor you want to undertake, whether it’s reducing weight, conquering a boot camp session, enhancing sports performance, improving strength training skills, increasing your fitness aptitude, or preparing for a competition. For more information, contact them now!


What Is the Cheapest Gym to Join?

If you are looking for cheap gym memberships, you may be wondering which gym memberships are the least expensive. Well, as it turns out, there are a few gyms that offer very cheap gym memberships. For example, franchise fitness centers like Anytime Fitness, 24-hour fitness, planet fitness, etc. all have relatively low rates.

However, if you want the most bang for your buck, Fitness Evolution in Bellingham is the place to go. They have great group fitness classes, personal trainers, clean facilities, and top-tier equipment. Plus, they offer great customer service! Let’s talk more about how you can get the most for your money out of your gym membership.

Why Buy a Gym Membership in the First Place?

If you are looking to get fit, one of the best things you can do is join a gym. A gym membership gives you access to all of the resources you need to reach your fitness goals. For example, most gyms have a wide variety of exercise equipment that you can use to get a great workout. Additionally, many gyms also offer group fitness classes, personal training, and other services to help you stay on track.

There are a lot of benefits to joining a gym, but it is important to find one that fits your needs and budget. In the next section, we will discuss some of the things you should look for when choosing a gym. However, not all gyms are created equal. Some gyms have better equipment, classes, and trainers than others. Places like Crunch Fitness and LA Fitness have a reputation of having nice equipment, but they also have a reputation of overcharging.

What to Look for When Choosing a Gym?

Now that we have talked about some of the benefits of joining a gym, let’s discuss what you should look for when choosing one so you can get the most for your money.

Affordable Membership Fees

This is without a doubt one of the most crucial elements for many individuals. You’ll feel too much pressure to go every day and overwork yourself if you’re paying an excessive sum for your gym membership or personal trainer. That isn’t always a bad thing, but it can lead to burnout and annoyance.

On the other hand, if the membership is too cheap, that might be an indication of the gym’s poor quality. Cheap gym memberships are often indicative of waning equipment quality and lack of cleanliness. Find a gym with a reasonably priced membership so that you are happy paying monthly expenses and know you will not be disappointed when you go in there to work out.


Full gym amenities include a floor that has all types of free weights and cardio equipment you might want or need. Since gyms can get very crowded, it’s important to have enough equipment available so you don’t have to wait for someone to finish using something before you can. I always plan my workouts in advance so I know which muscle groups I’ll be focusing on and which types of equipment I’ll need to use.

Group Fitness Classes

They should also have a diverse range of group classes so that you can try anything you want, in addition to providing a variety of individual fitness activities. They should offer everything from high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and TRX workouts to yoga and dance sessions.

Personal Training

Personal trainers are necessary at any high-quality gym. Whether you’re a novice or want to learn a particular style of exercise, you’ll want access to a professional personal trainer who can design a fitness plan for you and keep you motivated as you pursue your goals.

Personal training is a great resource for accountability and they’re great to have if you’re a busy person who’s looking to get the most out of your monthly membership. Personal training is notoriously expensive, but hiring a quality personal trainer who can give you unlimited access to fitness plans and nutrition plans can definitely be affordable if you go to the right place.

Clean Facilities

Many people forget to consider how important cleanliness is when it comes to choosing a gym. Would you rather work out on sticky floors and dirty equipment, or in a clean and sanitary environment? If you’re like most people, the latter option is more appealing. And you shouldn’t have to settle for anything less than that. You deserve to have access to clean facilities so you can reach your full potential.

Judgment-Free Zone

Piggy-backing on our previous statement, the fitness center you choose should make you want to return. You won’t want to return if it’s too noisy or unpleasant. A fantastic gym will have a lot of people working hard at whatever they’re doing. You’ll need somewhere that encourages you to improve while still making you feel welcome.

Attentive Staff

The front desk is not the only staff your gym should have. You should also have unlimited access to employees who oversee training sessions, work as personal trainers, and clean the facilities. Furthermore, all staffers should exhibit qualities such as being kind, helpful, informed, professional, and able to answer any questions you may have.

Fitness Evolution in Bellingham, near Seattle, WA, is a great option for those who want to get the most out of their gym membership. They offer affordable monthly membership fees, unlimited access to great fitness classes, personal trainers, clean facilities, and top-tier equipment. Plus, their customer service is top-notch! Contact them today to learn more about our gym or to sign up for a membership. We can’t wait to help you reach your fitness goals!

Get the Most Out of Cheap Gym Memberships!

Gym shopping can be a daunting task. With so many options out there, it’s hard to know what you should be looking for. But if you keep these key factors in mind, you’ll be well on your way to finding the gym that’s perfect for you!

Who offers the cheapest gym memberships? It depends on what YOU are looking for in a gym! If low monthly fees are most important to you, then franchise fitness centers like Anytime Fitness, 24-Hour Fitness, or Planet Fitness might be your best bet. You could go somewhere like LA Fitness or Crunch Fitness. However, if you’re looking for the most bang for your buck, check out Fitness Evolution in Bellingham, near Seattle, WA.As a local gym, they offer affordable gym memberships, unlimited access to great group classes, personal trainers, clean facilities, and top-tier gym equipment. Plus, their customer service is top-notch! Contact them today to learn more about their gym or to sign up for a membership. You won’t be disappointed!


Get Fit This Summer at the Top Bellingham Athletic Club: Fitness Evolution

The summer is the perfect time to get in shape and Bellingham has a great selection of fitness centers to help you reach your goals. Fitness Evolution is one of the top Bellingham fitness clubs, offering a wide variety of exercise classes, personal training, and state-of-the-art equipment.

Whether you’re looking to lose weight, tone up, or just improve your overall health, Fitness Evolution is there to help. The friendly and knowledgeable staff will work with you to create a customized plan that fits your needs and lifestyle.

Let’s take a deep dive into what makes Fitness Evolution the best gym in Bellingham. They have so many things to offer so you can get healthy and feel good this summer!

Group Fitness Classes

One of the best things about working out at Fitness Evolution is the variety of classes offered. From HIIT to boxing, there’s something for everyone. The classes are taught by certified instructors who will motivate and inspire you to reach your fitness goals.


What is HIIT? It stands for “high-intensity interval training.” In other words, they are complete body workout routines that focus on strength training and cardio.

A HIIT workout might last anywhere from 20 to 45 minutes and you typically burn more calories than a standard fitness session or exercise. HIIT workouts will generally alternate between periods of higher-intensity work (such as sprinting, burpees, etc) and lower-intensity activity (such as jogging on the spot or jumping jacks).

This style of exercise is a great workout for novices because it can be done almost anywhere and requires nothing more than a decent pair of shoes and a can-do attitude.

Boxing Classes

Have you ever wanted to know how to throw a punch or avoid one? A boxing fitness session might be the answer. Talk about a total-body workout! These fitness sessions are generally more intensive than other fitness classes, and by the end of it, you’ll feel like you got your butt kicked, even if you didn’t take any punches.

Boxing is quickly becoming one of the most popular fitness activities, and it really gets you moving both mentally and physically! Because hand wraps (which may be found at any sports shop) are required in many boxing fitness classes, make sure to bring them or inquire about obtaining some! 

Other Group Fitness Classes Fitness Evolution Offers

In addition to all of the great classes listed above, Fitness Evolution also offers TRX classes, Group Power, Fusion Group, and Tai Chi classes. If you’re unfamiliar with some of these types of classes, head to their website to learn more about each of them. There’s something for everyone! You can do a super intense workout class, or something milder and calmer.

Personal Training

In addition to the group classes, Fitness Evolution also offers personal training services. If you’re looking for one-on-one attention and guidance, the personal trainers at Fitness Evolution can help you achieve your goals.

Should You Get a Personal Trainer?

There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to choosing whether or not to hire a personal trainer. It’s a personal choice based on your unique goals, schedule, and budget. Before making a decision, evaluate all of the variables and, if you decide to go ahead with it, make sure you set up meetings with a few personal trainers so you can find the one who is most compatible with you.

What Are the Advantages of Having a Personal Trainer?

A personal trainer can help you develop a plan and utilize your time effectively by creating an effective routine that fits your schedule if you have specific fitness goals. If you’re having difficulty maintaining motivation to exercise on your own, a personal trainer can offer the encouragement and support you need to keep going.

Consult with your doctor or a fitness specialist, such as those at Fitness Evolution in Bellingham, to discuss your choices if you’re still unsure whether to hire a personal trainer. If you’re scared of joining a gym because of the COVID-19 epidemic, inquire about virtual training or in-home personal training services.

Top-Tier Equipment

No matter what your fitness goals are, you’ll find the equipment you need to achieve them at Fitness Evolution. They carry all of the latest and greatest cardio machines, weight machines, and free weights.

Clean Facilities

More importantly than having great equipment is taking care of the equipment and keeping everything clean. At Fitness Evolution, they take cleanliness and sanitation very seriously. They have a highly trained cleaning crew that works around the clock to make sure all of the equipment and surfaces are clean and sanitized.

Awesome Staff

Compared to other gyms, Fitness Evolution has the best gym staff around. Everyone is friendly, welcoming, and willing to help anytime. Fitness Evolution staff go above and beyond to make sure you have a great experience every time you visit the gym.

Friendly Environment

Fitness Evolution is a judgment-free zone where everyone is welcome. No matter your size, shape, age, or ability, you’ll feel comfortable working out at Fitness Evolution. There’s something for everyone, and the environment is one that encourages personal progress and overall health. They even have a smoothie bar so you can jumpstart your health and nourish your body.

Affordable Memberships

Fitness Evolution offers a variety of affordable gym membership options to fit your needs and budget. They have everything from day passes to basic and premium monthly memberships. You can even sign up for a free trial to see if it’s the right fit for you.

The great thing about a monthly gym membership is that you can start and stop anytime. Fitness Evolution offers a basic monthly gym membership as well as a premium monthly gym membership. Either way, you’ll get the most bang for your buck at one of the top gyms in Bellingham when you sign up with Fitness Evolution.

Try a Day Pass

If you’re concerned about committing to a month-to-month membership, try a day pass first. This will allow you to get your bearings at the gym and see if it’s the right fit for you. If you like the place, you can join up for a membership. If not, there are other gyms to try out.

Make the most of your day pass by doing more than just staring at the free weights rack or waiting for a fitness class to begin. If you enjoy TRX training and it’s available, go on a day when you can participate in the class. Get down on a mat and do a crunch if you want to get rid of that belly pouch you acquired while hibernating throughout the winter. Day passes to gyms should not be squandered. And if things don’t work out, that’s okay because you still got some exercise!

Make This Summer the Best One Yet! 

There’s really no reason not to give Fitness Evolution a try! With all they have to offer, it’s the perfect place to feel your best this summer. So, what are you waiting for? Head on over to Fitness Evolution and sign up for a membership or to get your free day pass today! Or, go ahead and walk into their main facility anytime. Fitness Evolution is located at 1504 Iowa St, Bellingham, WA 98229. Just a short drive from N State St, their facility is super close to the action of downtown.


How To Find The Best Local Gyms?

Bellingham, Washington has a number of gyms, each focusing on a specific discipline. If you’re searching for the best gym but don’t know what you’re looking for, or if you’re a novice who doesn’t know what they need, you’ll want to look for a comprehensive fitness center that has everything available. Let’s talk about what makes a local gym the best gym to sign up with:

Clean Facilities

This is a point that many individuals overlook. You want a gym with clean, sanitary facilities. You don’t want to exercise on the sticky floor or amid dust on the equipment. If you see all of the filth and grime while knowing that other people’s perspiration is on everything you touch, you’ll refrain from going to the gym. Don’t let a filthy gym prevent you from working out. You have a right to clean spaces so that you can be your best self.

Friendly Staff

Team representatives should be kind, helpful, informed, professional, and ready to answer any questions you may have. You shouldn’t feel like the staff is trying to upsell you on products or services. The best gyms have a reception area where you can ask questions, get help with equipment, and more. If the people who work at the front desk can’t answer your questions, they should be able to direct you to someone who can.

Positive Environment

The gym you pick should make you want to return. You won’t want to return if it’s too noisy or unpleasant. A great gym will have a lot of people working hard at whatever they’re doing. You’ll want somewhere that makes you feel welcome while pushing you to grow.

Affordable Membership

This is without a doubt one of the most essential factors for many individuals. If you’re spending a lot of money on your gym membership, as you might on a CrossFit program or boutique yoga studio, you’ll feel compelled to go every day and work hard. That isn’t always a bad thing, but it can lead to burnout and irritation. On the other hand, if the membership options are too cheap, this might be an indication of the gym’s low quality. Find a local gym with an affordable membership so that you are happy paying monthly fees and feel secure while working out there.

Many gyms offer a free pass for potential new members as a way to show off their facilities. One such place that offers this is Fitness Evolution in Bellingham. You can request a free day pass online by filling out the minimal information required. Message them today to get your free pass!


When we talk about complete gym amenities, we’re talking about a floor with all of the weight equipment and cardio gadgets you might need. We are also talking about locker room facilities, towels, showers, water fill stations, studio space, steam rooms, mats, sanitizing equipment, and more. Gyms get clogged up quickly, so you’ll need ample space and equipment to comfortably execute all of your exercises. Workouts should be planned ahead of time so that you can utilize the proper equipment to target the muscle groups of your choice.

Personal Trainers

Personal trainers are necessary at any high-quality gym. Whether you’re a novice or wish to train in a certain style, you’ll want someone who can design a personal training plan for you and keep you inspired to achieve your goals.

Personal training can get expensive, so be sure to ask your local gym prospects about their pricing and what kind of access you’d have to your personal trainer.

Fitness Classes

If you’re tired of virtual classes because they don’t motivate you or get you in the right mindset to workout, look for a gym that offers a wide range of group fitness activities, in addition to various individual workouts so that you can try anything you want. They should, for example, offer everything from high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and TRX classes to yoga and dance sessions.

Let’s dive a little deeper into some popular fitness class options:

TRX Training Classes

The TRX strength training system, which was originally developed by the U.S. Navy SEALs, uses gravity and body weight to provide resistance, making it accessible to people of all fitness levels. TRX exercises are functional fitness routines built to develop strength, power, flexibility, and balance.

If you’re searching for a workout that will strengthen your muscles and offer new challenges, TRX is an excellent choice! It’s most likely quite different from anything else you’ve tried before, so give TRX a try if you want something completely new to add interest to your fitness routine.

High-Intensity Interval Training

The goal of high-intensity interval training (HIIT), also known as brief bursts of intensive exercise with long rests, is to produce a metabolic boost or “after-burn” that helps to burn more calories. It’s a full-body workout.

For people who don’t have a lot of time, a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workout is ideal. The workouts are typically only 30 minutes long, but they are extremely effective in burning calories, building strength, and increasing cardiovascular endurance.

If you’re searching for a quick and efficient exercise, HIIT is unquestionably the way to go. It’s less expensive than individual training and requires far less time than weight lifting. Plus, since HIIT routines are always evolving, you won’t get bored and can adjust your routine to match your fitness level as you improve.

Boxing Lessons

Boxing is a fantastic exercise for everyone, regardless of their age or fitness level. It’s an excellent method to reduce stress and increase strength while also increasing your heart rate. Boxing classes usually include some form of cardio before culminating in working with a partner on punching bags or focus mitts.

Boxing is an excellent exercise for those who want a challenging, full-body workout. Boxing offers so much potential for improvement and learning that it’s practically impossible to run out of things to learn about it. As a result, if you’re interested in improving your skill and technique, boxing is the activity for you.

Tai Chi

If none of the previously mentioned activities are suitable for you, we have another fantastic option for you to relax while still achieving wonderful health benefits. Tai Chi is a Chinese martial art that involves slow, methodical actions along with deep breathing and balance. Gym facilities that offer Tai Chi are rare, so you’ll have to look closely to find them.

Tai Chi is frequently used as a type of meditation or stress relief because it promotes mindfulness and teaches the body how to relax. Tai Chi classes are well worth looking into if you’re searching for a relaxing exercise.

Get Started On Your Fitness Journey Today!

It might be tough to discover the ideal gym, but hopefully, our suggestions and standards will make things easier for you. Your gym should be friendly, welcoming, clean, and have a variety of varied fitness classes and equipment choices so that you don’t get burned out and meet your fitness goals. The membership should also be affordable in order for you to maintain a healthy fitness routine without feeling like you’re constantly required to be there.

If you’re serious about joining a gym ASAP, and you’re struggling to find the best gym for you, get a free day pass from a couple of gyms, like Fitness Evolution, and check out some different facilities.